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Friday, July 26, 2024

Democracy Without Dividend Is Disaster – JNI Sec. General

Secretary-General, Jama’atu Nasril Islam, JNI, Kaduna, Dr. Khalid Aliyu Abubakar says, Democracy without dividend is disaster.

The Islamic Scholar, who is also the Chief Imam of Fibre Juma’at Mosque, Jos, Plateau State, stated this on Friday while delivering sermon in Jos.

He observed that there is hunger, poverty, disease and ignorance ravaging the people and called on the well-to-do to have compassion on the poor which is in line with Islamic injunctions.

“Fear Allah, the most High. Do the work of Allah. Obey His words as enshrined in the Holy Quran.

“Remember how the Holy Prophet Muhammad, PBUH, suffered in the hands of the unbelievers who chased him out of Makkah.

“You have to help the growth of Islam wherever you are in accordance with your strength, knowledge and wealth,” he admonished.

A cross section of worshipers.

Dr. Abubakar, told the congregation to shun unnecessary criticisms of others, adding that everyone should ask themselves what they have done or contributed to the advancement of Islam and the society at large.

He reminded the worshipers about the saying of the Holy Prophet, PBUH, “Oh you who believe, do you really believe from the bottom of your heart?”

The JNI Secretary-General, therefore, advised the believers to examine their hearts and strive in the way of Allah and work assiduously to better themselves and the society.

The Islamic Scholar lamented what he called the existential threats to Islam and urged believers to work in harmony towards protecting the good image of the religion.

In his allusion to Islamic tenets, the Imam said, “let there be people among you who will teach the ignorant, teach them skills, crafts, teach them the true message of Islam to make them better Muslims who will enjoin what is good and forbid what is bad.”

“Do you remember hereafter? Are you so contented by your material possessions and forget Allah?” he asked.

Dr. Abubakar advised them to shun laziness and lackadaisical attitude which he said, is the enemy of progress.


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